Friday, November 2, 2012

Will Never Forget

My life changed 3 years ago on this day. Was scheduled to have my colon removed due to a blockage that had formed in a couple of months and was found on a follow up colonoscopy. Leading up to that test I knew something was wrong, the pain I was having was not normal. Usually I would get stomach aches but it was because I usually ate something that was not going to agree with me and my Crohns.

Was not scared going into surgery or what may have caused the blockage to form, it was the unknown of waking up with a colostomy bag attached to my side. No way was I prepared to live the rest of my life with it, this was by far the biggest fear I had. Yes I would of adapted and moved on, but it would of changed me and prevented me from doing things I love to do I think. Surgery was a success, woke up and there was no bag. I have about 4 inches of healthy colon that was able to be saved and re-attached, everything would be back to normal after the healing process.

Leading up to the surgery I knew I needed to change, was stuck in a rut of working long hours and eating fast food daily, smoking and drinking to mention my other bad habits. There was no exercise in my routine, thought about it but never fully committed. Leaving the hospital was going to be a fresh start for me and made up my mind to commit and stick to a plan. Plus being in the hospital for seven days and no solid food gave me a good head start in losing weight.

So happy that I stuck with the plan. I am in the best shape of my life and enjoy eating healthy everyday and look forward to a cheat meal every once in awhile. Now it is hard for me to take a rest day, complete opposite of how I once was.

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