So let's talk about my first colonoscopy and how I was scared shitless about getting this exam. At this point I was still not used to getting poked and prodded like a lab rat.
Started out as a normal visit to my doctors office, just a normal check up that I was used to, everything was going good till the end when he told me I was going to have to get a colonoscopy. Never heard of that exam before so I asked what did it involve, as he explained to me what it was I think my mouth hit the floor. My response was you are going stick it where and do what, the kicker was that he was going to sedate me. Really like there was another option for them doing this procedure on me. So before I left we scheduled the test at the local hospital for a couple weeks.
Didn't think much about it over the next week or so, test was scheduled for Friday morning and started getting nervous that Monday. I think I had to fast for two day's before the test. So of course Tuesday night I shoveld as much food into my body knowing that I cannot eat nothing but jell-o and clear liquids for the next two days. Figuered if I could get through the next two days the test wouldn't be so bad, not that easy. So I tried to just sleep those two day's or watch TV, but it seemed like every damn commericial was for food that I was craving. Made it through day one, now came the hard part. That evening I had to start my prep for my procedure on Friday morning and knew it was not going to be fun. Was already pretty cranky and moody from not eating and spent most of the day dreaming about what I was going to eat after my procedure. So six o'clock rolls around and I need to start my prep. They gave me golytely to drink as my prep, well how bad could this be. Had on hour to drink one gallon of it, my mom said tht it would taste like sprite, took her word for it since she was a nurse at the time. Well I found out real quick with the first sip that it didn't taste like sprite at all, it was more like drinking thick salt water. To get my test done I had to drink all of it in that hour. Tried drinking some more and it was not happing, started to gag on every sip and I think I was puking it back up. At one point I starteded to cry, knowing how hard this was going to be. Well 20 minutes later and not even 8oz down the hatch, the fighting started with the parent's. I wasn't going to drink it and they would have to find another prep for me to due the exam. There point was that it was already scheduled and I had to drink it. Well I made up my mind, was not going to drink it. I ran out of the house and took off on my bike, my thinking was if I wait long enough to go back home it will be to late for the prep to work. So headed over to the park in tears and scared, sat there for a couple hrs, luckly enough the little league kids were playing baseball so I just sat on the bleachers and watched a couple of games. Eventually want home, parent's not to thrilled about the whole situation but finally understood. So was able to get out of the exam for now.
The joy of not having the exam did not last long, my doctor reschedule for the following Friday and gave me another option for prep. So pretty much went through the whole routine of fasting again, but this time I was only going to have to drink 10oz of fluids, the kicker here was also I would also have two water enima's the night before the test. So went through the fasting again and back at the hard part again of drinking some nasty ass shit again to clean me out. This time they gave me a bottle of fleet phos soda to drink, my dad said to keep it in the fridge because it would taste better that way. Still nervous about drinking it and how it would taste, well it was time to suck it down. Was not happy about th situation but had to due it, was told again it would taste like sprite. Ok it was only 10oz, I can do this, first chug went down and really hated they way it tasted and started gaging again. Knowing once again this was not going to be easy, I decided to drink it like shots and chase it down with a glass of water to get the taste out of my mouth quickly. Managed to drink it all in about a half hour. Not out of the woods yet because I still had to get the enima's, at least my mom was doing it but still nervous and awkard at the same time. So couple hours later it was time, never having one before we want up to the bathroom and got into position on the floor next to the toilet. Need not go into detail's but the experience was not fun at all.
My exam was scedule for early Friday morning, wake up cranky, hungry and tired, it was go time. Had to be there a couple hrs early for paper work and get me set up. All I could think about was what I was going to eat in a couple hours. Eventually get called back to get ready for the exam, the nurse tells me to strip down and put on the gown and to lay on the bed. So I sit in the bed for about 45 minutes as the check my breathing, blood pressure and hook up oxygen and the IV and for the meds to knock me out. Finally it is time to get the procedure down, get carted of to a small dark room with a punch of monitors, my doctor explains what he is going to due and then I agree and sign my consent. The only good part was when they started pumping the drugs into me, not going to lie, still like that feeling. Next thing I know I wake up in the recovery room with my parent's bed side and the doctor explaining that everything went well and looked good. I was still feeling pretty bad from the meds but I wantd out of there to get food.
Was finally discharged after an hour or so, first stop was going to be a resturant to get me some breakfast. Well that was after we pulled over a couple times on the side of the road due to me getting sick. Parents thought it would be a good idea to go home and sleep it off before I tried to stuff myself with food, my answer was hell no take me now. Well should of listened because after the first two bites of my pancakes I was running to the bathroom again. Food was going to have to wait, went home and slept it off for a could four hours.
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